Entrez dans la danse
C’est en repérant dans le portfolio du photographe belge Lionel Samain une série avec des rubans de soie que nous avons convenu de proposer cette idée à l’emblématique marque de vêtements et chaussures de danse Repetto. Ainsi déroule sous nos yeux le fameux ruban rose (qui ceint les boites), racine à la cheville de la danseuse qui vient danser autour d’elle et créer le studio de danse.
Merci à Lionel Samain pour cette belle photographie et Christian Marguerie pour sa production tout en douceur.
It is by identifying in the portfolio of the Belgian photographer Lionel Samain a series with silk ribbons that we have agreed to propose this idea to the emblematic brand of clothing and dance shoes Repetto. Thus unfolds in front of our eyes the famous pink ribbon (which girdles the boxes), root to the ankle of the dancer who comes to dance around her and create the dance studio.
Thanks to Lionel Samain for this beautiful photography and Christian Marguerie for its smooth production.
Merci à Lionel Samain pour cette belle photographie et Christian Marguerie pour sa production tout en douceur.
It is by identifying in the portfolio of the Belgian photographer Lionel Samain a series with silk ribbons that we have agreed to propose this idea to the emblematic brand of clothing and dance shoes Repetto. Thus unfolds in front of our eyes the famous pink ribbon (which girdles the boxes), root to the ankle of the dancer who comes to dance around her and create the dance studio.
Thanks to Lionel Samain for this beautiful photography and Christian Marguerie for its smooth production.