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Lacen, c’est selon sa fondatrice un “créateur numérique, dénicheur de talents, producteur, passionné d'image, technicien reconnu. Lacen est une entreprise coup de cœur, née en 2005 et créée pour rompre avec la pesanteur des grosses structures, les effectifs importants, l’anonymat croissant, la qualité standardisée, la créativité déclinante. Réunissant un petit noyau de pros de l’image aux talents complémentaires, Lacen c’est avant tout des affinités humaines et un enthousiasme indispensable à la réussite. L’équipe Lacen illustre le credo que dans les technologies numériques les plus innovantes , ce sont la passion, l’intuition, l’attention, le perfectionnisme, qui conditionnent le talent et la qualité du résultat final.”
Chez Lacen, on met du coeur à l’ouvrage et l’on donne le “la” aux productions visuelles les plus audacieuses.
Merci à Nathalie Arnal et Cindy Reivax.
Lacen is according to its founder a “digital designer, talent scout, producer, image enthusiast, recognized technician. Lacen is a favorite company born in 2005 and created to break the weight of large structures, large numbers, increasing anonymity, standardized quality, declining creativity. Bringing together a small core of image pros with complementary talents, Lacen is, above all, about nurturing the kind of cooperative enthusiasm that is essential to success. The Lacen team illustrates the credo that in the most innovative digital technologies, it is the passion, intuition, attention to detail and perfectionism that influence both the team and the quality of the final result.”
At Lacen, we put heart to the work and we give the "the" to the most daring visual productions.
Thanks to Nathalie Arnal and Cindy Reivax.
Chez Lacen, on met du coeur à l’ouvrage et l’on donne le “la” aux productions visuelles les plus audacieuses.
Merci à Nathalie Arnal et Cindy Reivax.
Lacen is according to its founder a “digital designer, talent scout, producer, image enthusiast, recognized technician. Lacen is a favorite company born in 2005 and created to break the weight of large structures, large numbers, increasing anonymity, standardized quality, declining creativity. Bringing together a small core of image pros with complementary talents, Lacen is, above all, about nurturing the kind of cooperative enthusiasm that is essential to success. The Lacen team illustrates the credo that in the most innovative digital technologies, it is the passion, intuition, attention to detail and perfectionism that influence both the team and the quality of the final result.”
At Lacen, we put heart to the work and we give the "the" to the most daring visual productions.
Thanks to Nathalie Arnal and Cindy Reivax.