Chic et solide du sol au plafond
Barthélémy Rénovation, c’est avant tout Antoine Barthélémy, un ami du studio. Un ami talentueux dont les stars du petit écran s’arrachent les services. Il conçoit des espaces de vie, la plupart du temps des appartements luxueux, et propose une palette de services en terme de rénovation que beaucoup d’architectes pourraient jalouser. Il s’entoure de talents jusqu’en Colombie et travaille souvent avec le non moins talentueux architecte Vincent Parreira. Antoine est venu nous trouver avec une envie de logotype. Nous lui avons travaillé un lettrage spécial, à empattements, dont le “R” vient s’inscrire dans le creux du “B” tel un détail minuscule sur un pan de mur hors-norme aux arrêtes tranchantes.
Du sur-mesure assurément.
Barthélémy Rénovation is above all Antoine Barthélémy, a friend of the studio. A talented friend whose stars of the small screen are pulling his services. He designs living spaces, mostly luxurious apartments, and offers a range of services in terms of renovation that many architects could envy. He’s surrounded himself with talent up to Colombia and often works with the no less talented architect Vincent Parreira. Antoine came to us with a desire of a logo. We have worked on a special lettering, with serifs, whose "R" fits in the hollow of the "B" like a tiny detail on a huge section of wall with sharp edges. Custom made for sure.
Du sur-mesure assurément.
Barthélémy Rénovation is above all Antoine Barthélémy, a friend of the studio. A talented friend whose stars of the small screen are pulling his services. He designs living spaces, mostly luxurious apartments, and offers a range of services in terms of renovation that many architects could envy. He’s surrounded himself with talent up to Colombia and often works with the no less talented architect Vincent Parreira. Antoine came to us with a desire of a logo. We have worked on a special lettering, with serifs, whose "R" fits in the hollow of the "B" like a tiny detail on a huge section of wall with sharp edges. Custom made for sure.