Auto Photo
Anthony Bernier se cache derrière son acronyme mais sait révéler, à partir de quasiment rien, une voiture plus vraie que nature. Evidemment il maîtrise la prise de vue classique, l’enseignant à Louis Lumière, mais c’est en CGI que son travail est le plus bluffant. Grand technicien de la 3D, Peugeot ou Renault s’attachent souvent ses services. Anthony est venu nous trouver pour réaliser son identité visuelle. En résulte un ruban chromé comme un emblème automobile sur un fond gris bleuté.
Anthony Bernier hides behind his acronym but can reveal, from almost nothing, a car truer than life. Obviously he masters the classic shooting, teaching it at Louis Lumière, but it is in CGI that his work is the most bluffing. A great 3D technician thatPeugeot or Renault often attaches his services. Anthony came to find us to realize his visual identity. The result is a chrome ribbon like an automobile emblem on a bluish gray background.
Anthony Bernier hides behind his acronym but can reveal, from almost nothing, a car truer than life. Obviously he masters the classic shooting, teaching it at Louis Lumière, but it is in CGI that his work is the most bluffing. A great 3D technician thatPeugeot or Renault often attaches his services. Anthony came to find us to realize his visual identity. The result is a chrome ribbon like an automobile emblem on a bluish gray background.